concussion & Brain recovery therapy

Concussion & Brain Therapy
MPS Concussion-Brain Therapy (CRT) is the 1st scientifically proven therapy to heal the Brain.
Currently, effective Brain treatments have not been established, as there are no significant treatment options that scientifically prove PCS symptom reduction OR that prove consistent positive cognitive changes after application.
Concussion Recovery Therapy is specifically designed to dramatically reduce the physical causes of STRESS controlling TBI and PCS symptomatology.
CRT is the ONLY proven stress-reducing therapy and is a game changer for all aspects of brain healing. CRT can produce positive brain changes after a single session, much faster than all other brain therapies.
Stress Controls Concussions
Science now recognizes that stress activation is THE critical factor in Post-Concussive Syndrome (PCS) recovery. In research, sympathetic stress and cortisol (the endocrine STRESS marker) are directly linked to concussions, diminished brain health and poor cognitive functioning.
Concussion Recovery Therapy has been reported in science to reduce stress and improve vagal tone to reduce PCS symptomology. (Chevalier-2016, Armstrong-2017) Concussion Recovery Therapy yields superior therapeutic outcomes over current concussion treatment options.
The benefits of integrating Concussion Recovery Therapy into your clinical setting are visually measurable. (EEG-below & Thermography-right).

Learn to Heal Brains
Learn CRT’s science, theories and practicum in this unique 2-day seminar. Ideal for professionals seeking additional tools to help their clients recover from concussions, TBI’s, Alzheimer’s, sensory, PTSD, chronic anxiety, or even the ravages of COVID brain-fog.
Discover how head traumas disrupt the Autonomic Nervous system (ANS), activating stress and releasing the dreaded hormone cortisol to damage and shrink your brain.
Learn how strategic scars throughout the body can inhibit concussion recovery.
Learn the hormonal science of how women and men respond to and recover from head traumas.
You are guaranteed to accelerate BRAIN healing with this unique and proven approach.